Does Sedation Dentistry have Side Effects?
Sedation Dentistry can be performed in cases where patients have severe Dental Anxiety or if the patient has a severe gag reflex. Sedation may also be used when treatment is extensive and complicated. Many appointments for dental treatment can be combined in one Sedation Dentistry appointment While the patient is comfortable throughout. We offer Oral and IV Sedation options, but IV Sedation is preferred over Oral sedation due to the predictability, safety, effectiveness and precision of IV Sedation. What are the side effects of Sedation Dentistry? You will be groggy after your procedure and you should have someone drive you to and from your dental appointment. You should not make any big decisions or legal decisions for at least 24 hours.
IV Sedation is especially helpful for longer Holistic Dentistry, Oral Surgery and Dental Implant Procedures.
How does Sedation Dentistry work?
Usually, before beginning any procedures, your medical history will be reviewed and a doctor will explain how sedation and sleep dentistry can work for you. Prior to your dental care appointment, you will be able to choose what treatment option you want to undergo. For most Sedation cases, IV Sedation is preferred over Oral sedation due to the predictability, safety, effectiveness and precision of IV Sedation.
On the day of your appointment, you’ll take a medication that makes you relaxed and comfortable. Once the procedure and sedation is about to begin, your vital signs will be monitored very closely. Although you are not completely unconscious, many patients sleep through their dental appointment and patients have very little or no memory of their dental appointment.
Due to the relaxing effects of both oral and IV medication, you will be required to have a friend or family member bring you to the dental office and return you home following your appointment.
Who is a good candidate for Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation is offered for all types of dental procedures, ranging from Oral Surgery or Tooth Extraction to Mercury Filling Removal, Holistic Dentistry and Dental Implants. Usually, before beginning any procedures, your medical history will be reviewed and a doctor will explain how sedation and sleep dentistry can work for you. Prior to your dental care appointment, you will be able to choose what treatment option you want to undergo. There are advantages to oral sedation, and is an excellent method of treatment for you if you who have any of the following concerns:
- Dental Anxiety
- Difficulty Getting Numb
- Very Sensitive Teeth
- Extensive Dental Needs
- Gag reflex
- Special Needs